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18th century

Affiliated Items


Collection: Chipman family
Description: Volume contains genealogical information about the Chipman family, written by Handley Chipman
Accession Number: 1931.005-CHI/4/1

Letter dated June 30, 1777

Collection: Chipman family
Description: Item is a letter written by Handley Chipman from Cornwallis, Kings Co., N.S. to Rev'd. Messrs. Daniel Cock (1717-1805) and David Smith (1732-1795) of Truro and Londonderry, N.S. The letter is dated June 30, 1777 and describes the issues the Cornwallis Church was having with Reverend Benijah Phelps, the divisions within the Church and the arrival of Henry Alline in Cornwallis, N.S. Includes a…
Accession Number: 1931.005-CHI/2


Collection: Chipman family
Description: Volume is a memoir written by Handley Chipman. Cover states: "A part of the memoir of Handley Chipman Esqr. Cornwallis N.S. Written 5 and 6 years before his death in April 1799. Property of Zachariah Chipman, D[ied] 1854." This inscription was obviously written by someone who had the book sometime after Chipman's death on 27 May 1799 and who was mistaken about Chipman's month…
Accession Number: 1931.005-CHI/4/2

Correspondence from William Chipman

Collection: Chipman family
Description: Letter to "my very dear Brother", sent to Alfred Chipman by William Chipman 23 January 1861.
Accession Number: 1923.001-CHI/8

Correspondence from Alice Shaw

Collection: Chipman family
Description: Undated letter, sent to Alfred Chipman.
Accession Number: 1923.001-CHI/8

Township of Horton land survey

Collection: Township of Horton
Description: Plan of Horton Town, surveyed and laid out in June 1760, by Charles Morris, Chief Surveyor. Includes the names of those who were given each lot. Inscription, "Plan of Horton Town Surveyed and laid out in June 1760 By. Chas. Morris, Chief Surveyor".
Accession Number: 1900.355-HOR/001
Type: map

Horton Township record book

Collection: Township of Horton
Description: A record book for the township of Horton. Includes records for crops, births, deaths, and marriages, as well as information about cattle marks and earmarks. Note: There are several blank pages that have been left in certain sections to allow for the addition of further records. The ledger also includes at least three poems and a sketch of the authors grandmother. Inscription, "Book of…
Accession Number: 1972.002-HOR/001
Type: textual record


Collection: Township of Horton
Description: Volume is an index to record book entitled "Book of marks for the Township of Horton 1846," arranged alphabetically.
Accession Number: 2015.004-HOR/001
Type: textual record

Herterich family

Dates: 1778 to 1788
Collection: Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description