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Sewer Line

Affiliated Items

Correspondence concerning a proposed installation of a sewer line on the marshlands

Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A letter to Gregg Morrison, Director of Public Works and Planning in Wolfville from the Bishop-Beckwith Marsh Body regarding a letter written to the marsh body on September 29, 1994 proposing the installation of a sewer line on the marshlands.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record

Correspondence concerning an offer on a Marsh Body road to lay sewer pipe

Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: Letter to the Town of Wolfville from Wm. Gordon Woodman, secretary of Grand Pre Marsh Body, regarding a monetary offer for an easement on a road owned by the Marsh Body for the purpose of laying sewer pipe. Woodman includes six rules that are to be apart of the legal easement agreement.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/028B
Type: textual record