Affiliated Items
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a wagon of hay with a man sitting on top of the pile of hay they pull. Front view. White chickens are visable in the left bottom corner as is a wood pile and farming objects on the right of the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/007
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two teams of Belgian horses with two men standing in empty wagons. Two large piles of hay off the right.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/009
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Orchard
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A work horse in an orchard pulling a tree with a chain.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/076
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a very large load of hay in the hay wagon. A woman and two children are standing to the side of the hay wagon.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/027
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hauling Apple Barrels
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of work horses pulling a hay wagon with apple barrels. The horses are in full harness. There are three hay stacks in the background. There is a metal bucket hanging fron the wagon to give the horses drinks of water. On top of the wagon, hoding the reins is a man. Hay piles are seen in the back ground.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/026
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man walking with a plow begind a team of work horses in the large field. Farm buildings are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/147
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Harrowing the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a spring tooth harrow. The farmer is walking behind holding the reins.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/021
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses hooked up to a sled standing in deep snow with their master standing to the left side. A large storage barn wit two other outer buildings in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/003
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Horses and Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses are hooked up to a wagon. Two men are shoveling dirt onto the wagon. West view. Pond visible on the left and the right shows the roadway.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/001
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Horse and Buggy
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A horse pulling a buggy with a man sitting in the buggy who is parked along a white wooden fence. The buggy has a dashboard along the front and smaller wheels for tight turns.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/036
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farmer with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat is holding the reins of two horses in the yard. There are two wagons and two barns in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/159
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Horse in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A white horse with a black tail grazing in a field. Another horse is visible on the right also grazing.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/078
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man and Woman Posing with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man in a suit and cap holding onto a horse and a woman in a white dress holding onto a horse next to each other.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/077
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hooking up the Buggy
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man is hooking up a driving buggy to a horse. A woman is sitting in the buggy. The buggy has boards across the front to protect the people from rocks, etc. The wagon has steel tires. A young heifer is in the yard. Two barns are in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/017
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a hay wagon full of hay. Horses are facing west and near a ping on the west side.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/018
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Horse and Dog
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A winter scene with a man standing and holding onto a horse. A dog (part spaniel) is sitting in front, looking up at the man and horse. Barn in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/168
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph