Affiliated Items
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large plowed field and pasture are visible in the foreground. Possible farm animals grazing nearer to the fence. A house and forest of trees are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/142
Type: photograph
Farm Equipment
Collection: Gormley family
Description: In front of two barns, a Ferguson tractor is hooked up to a trailer with a load of split wood. Picture printed in June 1963 but the tractor is probaby a model from the 1950's.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/033
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Putting Straw in the Barn
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A cockshut tractor hooked up to a threshing machine by a belt is used to blow loose straw up into the mow of the barn.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/032
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Fixing the Car
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man sitting on the ground working on an old car with the license plate 12-5-2 Maine 1921.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/162
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Snow scene with a large barn on the left, smaller barn in center and a hay stack covered with snow in the background. There are piles of snow throughout the yard. Farm worker (male) with bucket seen at the front corner of closest barn.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/123
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of oxen wearing fancy bridles pulling a wagon full of hay. Behind them are two barns for storage.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/080
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Cow
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man standing beside a cow with his left arm resting on the cows back. The cow has one foot standing on a box in front. A farm building is visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/163
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Pigs in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four pigs in the snow in front of two sheds.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/072
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Oxen In Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two oxen (or cows with horns) standing in a field and a barn and other cows in the background. Oxen are looking at the camera
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/081
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Farm yard covered in deep snow with sheds to the left of the picture. There is a stand of evergreen trees on the right side, power poles, and another farm visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/126
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Person Posing with a Pig
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man/boy sitting in front of a pile of cut evergreens holding a piglet with a building visible behind.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/166
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A wagon with large wooden wheels is sitting in the yard in front of a barn. A multi-colored cat is in front of the wagon.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/034
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle by Barn in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four cows standing in the snow in front of a large barn. All of the barn is visible.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/110
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Winter on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man standing in the middle of snow and ice. It looks as though the ice was brought onto the land by tide or river as it is in blocks. A barn is in the distant background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/046
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Plowing the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a single furrow plough with a farmer walking behind the plough. Another team of work horses are visible in the background. Figures of more farm workers and farm buildings also visible in the far background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/023
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses hooked up to a sled standing in deep snow with their master standing to the left side. A large storage barn wit two other outer buildings in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/003
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
People Posing with Horses and Buggies
Collection: Gormley family
Description: The horse on the left is hooked up to a buggy with two women wearing dresses and hats. The horse on the right is hooked up to a buggy with two men wearing hats. A hay wagon, barn, pond, and hay stacks are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/037
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Two Girls Posing by the Barn
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two young girls wearing hats. They are standing between the doors to the barn.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/167
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farmer with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat is holding the reins of two horses in the yard. There are two wagons and two barns in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/159
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large plowed field with a row of trees without foliage along the left of the photo. A farm house and farm buildings are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/144a
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Snow covered farm yard with two large sheds ad two smaller sheds.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/128
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Feeding the Pigs
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man eating an apple is standing looking down at three pigs who are eating in front of a wooden barn. Side of another building visible on the left of the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/063
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Buildings
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An old house and barn with a large tree between them. An orchard with blossoms is visible on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/148
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working Horses In the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Several men gathering hay. There are 5 horses waiting to pull hay wagons after the men fill them. Barn visible in the background on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/014
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of gray work horses with fancy hames and bridles. They are standing in a field with a single furrow plough attatched. Other animals and people seen on the field behind, as is a barn in the distance.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/025
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle in a Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two cows or oxen grazing in a field. Three men, cows, and other farm buildings visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/083
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hooking up the Buggy
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man is hooking up a driving buggy to a horse. A woman is sitting in the buggy. The buggy has boards across the front to protect the people from rocks, etc. The wagon has steel tires. A young heifer is in the yard. Two barns are in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/017
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Equipment
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A cockshut tractor and a threshing machine in front of two barns. Two empty hay wagons are also visible in the yard.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/031
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Winter on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A winter scene with a man sitting in a chair in the farm yard with three cows around him and a pile of wood logs behind him. Barn is behind the wood pile as one of the cows' head is entering the bard on the right.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/157
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Horse and Dog
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A winter scene with a man standing and holding onto a horse. A dog (part spaniel) is sitting in front, looking up at the man and horse. Barn in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/168
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Two Women Posing with a Horse
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two women wearing dresses, coats and hats are holding on to the reins of a work horse. Two barns and a pond in the background as well as the hillside to the right. The horse and two women are looking at the camera. Part of their feet are cut off in the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/161
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man with Shovel
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat carrying a shovel over his shoulder. He is standing in front of a barn and a wooden wheel barrow.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/120
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Car on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An old 1940's Plymouth [?] parked in the yard with unidentified people inside. In the background are barns, a pond, and a road.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/039
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A young black and white cow, tied to something, standing in front of a barn. The how is looking at the camera.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/096
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph