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Affiliated Items


Collection: Gormley family
Description: An apple orchard full of apple blossoms. Approximately seven trees are visible.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/154
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph


Collection: Gormley family
Description: A young black cow with horns standing near an orchard and in front of an evergreen tree. Cow is facing west.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/098
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph

Working in the Orchard

Collection: Gormley family
Description: A work horse in an orchard pulling a tree with a chain.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/076
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph


Collection: Gormley family
Description: An apple orchard with blossoms along a dirt road with wooden fence posts and wire fencing. The road is traveling north-south direction.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/152
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph

Cows in a Field

Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two cows lying down in the grass. An orchard is in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/086
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph

Farm Buildings

Collection: Gormley family
Description: An old house and barn with a large tree between them. An orchard with blossoms is visible on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/148
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph

Rolling a Field

Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a roller and man sitting behind the roller. The roller is used to flatten the land. Horses do not hhave their full harness rigs on - there is no breeching. Orchard and hillside in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/015
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph

Pigs on the Farm

Collection: Gormley family
Description: Large white sow and a smaller white pig eating from a trough in front of a small shed. Orchard and landscape visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/068
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph


Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of oxen pulling a wagon near a pond. They had just finished spraying the orchard. Inscription: This is a picture of Mr. Frank Eldridge's Oxen just after they had finished spraying the Gormley Bros. orchard. Photo taken by J. A. Gormley at Upper Falmouth, N.S. From Benj. J. Baxter of Upper Falmouth, Hants Co., N.S.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/082
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph