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Hills, Donald DeWolfe

Affiliated Items

Acadia University. Varsity hockey team, 1937-38

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: 14 men, 3 dressed in suits, sitting and standing in this posed picture. Players are holding hockey sticks. Second row: F. Kelly (Coach), D. Smith (L. Defence), J. Murdock (Centre), D. Hills (L. Defence), J. Feindel (R. Defence), E. Muttart (R. Wing), C. Vinnicombe (R. Defence). First row: A. Roy (Asst. Mgr.), B. Parlee (L. Wing), D. Archibald (R. Wing and Capt.), N. Price (Goal), A. Cohen (Centre…
Accession Number: APC081
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Varsity hockey team, 1936-37

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: 16 men, 3 dressed in suits and the rest in uniform, sitting and standing in this posed picture. Players are holding hockey sticks. Second row: J. Beveridge (Wing), B. Parlee (Wing), C. Willis (Defence), C. Vinnicombe (Defence), J. Feindel (Defence), D. Hills (Centre), V. MacCausland (Wing), D. Smith (Defence), F. Kelly (Coach). First row: F. Hughes (Asst. Mgr.), G. MacKenzie (Goal), D. Archibald…
Accession Number: APC112
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Varsity hockey team, 1935-36

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: This collage includes a posed team photo and team member portraits. The team photo shows 12 men, 2 dressed in suits and the rest in uniform, sitting and standing in this posed picture. The players are holding hockey sticks. Portraits of individuals are: V.W. McCausland (L. Wing), H.A. Foley (L. Defence), D.D. Hills (L. Wing), R.E. Eaton (Asst. Mgr.), D.L. Ralston (Goal), D.G. Archibald (L. Wing…
Accession Number: APC054
Type: collage