Affiliated Items
Chipman Hall, circa 1877
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Campus and Buildings
Description: Exterior view from the current University Avenue looking north west. Four-storey wooden structure with a French roof and a widow's walk and two, visible entrances. Property is fenced. Twelve, unidentified men posing in the foreground. Landscape of west Wolfville visible in the background. Photograph possibly taken by William Chase when he came to photograph the College Hall ruins. If so, the…
Accession Number: APC378
Type: photograph
Chipman Hall, circa 1897
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Campus and Buildings
Description: Looking westward over Wolfville. Chipman Hall, without a widow's walk, is prominent among the trees in the foreground. In the background are structures and orchards of west Wolfville. Image likely taken from an upper floor or roof of the Acadia Ladies' Seminary or (Second) College Hall.
Accession Number: APC398
Type: photograph
Chipman Hall, 1908
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Campus and Buildings
Description: Exterior view from University Avenue looking south west. Four-storey, wooden structure with French roof and two, visible entrances. No widow's walk. Sidewalk visible. The old gymnasium visible in background.
Accession Number: APC380
Type: photograph
Chipman Hall, circa 1890
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Campus and Buildings
Description: Exterior view from University Avenue looking west. Four-storey wooden structure with a widow's walk and two entrances. Twenty-four unidentified men, sitting and standing, pose in the foreground. Property is fenced. Another building is partially visible in the background.
Accession Number: APC421
Creator: Chase, W.
Type: photograph
Acadia University. Class of 1911
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1911. Individuals are identified. Includes images of (Second) College Hall, Carnegie Science Hall, Chip Hall and Gymnasium, and Acadia Street (looking from Highland Ave.) Includes motto: "VINCIT QUI PATITUR."
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with identification. Married names are not…
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with identification. Married names are not…
Accession Number: APC343
Creator: Redden Studios
Type: photograph
Acadia University. Class of 1908
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of Acadia University graduates of 1908. Individuals are identified. Includes images of Chipman Hall, (Second) College Hall, and Blomidon and surrounding area. Motto: "Perseverantia Omnia Vincti."
Class list in academic calendar used to assist identification. Married names are not used unless the student was married at the time of graduation.
Class list in academic calendar used to assist identification. Married names are not used unless the student was married at the time of graduation.
Accession Number: APC252
Creator: Graham, Edson, 1869-1956
Type: photograph
Acadia University. Class of 1905
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1905. Individuals are not identified. Includes images of Chipman Hall, (Second) College Hall, and Blomidon with the shoreline. Motto: "Per Ardua Surgo".
The senior class list from the academic calendar used to supply names of potential graduates. Married names are not used unless the student was…
The senior class list from the academic calendar used to supply names of potential graduates. Married names are not used unless the student was…
Accession Number: APC338
Creator: Robson Studio, Wolfville
Type: photograph