Affiliated Items
Acadia University. Varsity hockey team, 1914-15
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: This collage includes team member pictures. Each picture was taken in front of a Victorian inspired studio backdrop. Pictures of individuals are: L.C. Eaton (Coach), N.M. Rogers (Centre), B.C. Eagles (Rover), I.C. Doty (Bus. Mgr.), A. W. Rogers (L. Wing), W.G. Archibald (R. Wing), R. Leaman (Capt. and Goal), A.M. Parker (Centre), S.M. Hirtle (L. Wing), T.K. Stackhouse (C. Point), R.M. Godfrey (…
Accession Number: APC113
Creator: Graham, Edson, 1869-1956
Type: photograph
Acadia University. Class of 1916, Applied Science
Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University Applied Science Class of 1915-1916. Images of the University Building (known now as Second College Hall) and the Science Hall (known as Carnegie Hall) are included. A drawing of a theodolite with the letters "A" and "E" is also featured on the print.
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with student…
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with student…
Accession Number: APC733
Creator: Redden, E.R.
Type: photograph