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Miller, Ralph Stanley

Affiliated Items

Acadia University. Varsity track and field team, 1932

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: 17 men, 4 dressed in suits and the rest in uniform, sitting and standing in this posed picture. The Herald and Mail Dennis Trophy is in front of the man in the centre of the first row. Second row: R. Lightfoot, J. Goulding, O. Mann, R. Peck, H. Ackland, A. Tedford, G. Runnells, G. Robertson. First row: M. Lodge, E. Anderson, P. Devine (Mgr.), V. Eville (Hon. Capt.), O. Walker (Capt.), F. Kelly (…
Accession Number: APC046
Creator: Graham, Edson, 1869-1956
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Senior Class, 1932

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage of portraits of the Acadia University senior class, 1932. Individuals identified. Includes motto: "Ad meliora neque sine probitate."
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with identification. Married names not used unless student was married at time of portrait.
Accession Number: APC099
Type: photograph