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Young, George Douglas

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Acadia University. Varsity football team, 1929

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Sports Photos
Description: This collage includes a posed team photo and team members portraits. The team photo shows 21 men, 3 dressed in suits and the rest in uniform, sitting and standing on the steps of University Hall. Portraits of the individuals are: H. Ryan (Half), C. Murray (Half), S. Laurie (Fullback), J. Harris (Asst. Mgr.), V. Eville (Three Quarter), W. Matthews (Capt. and Three Quarter), M. Sarty (Forward), D.…
Accession Number: APC050
Type: collage

Acadia University. Senior Class, 1932

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage of portraits of the Acadia University senior class, 1932. Individuals identified. Includes motto: "Ad meliora neque sine probitate."
Class list from academic calendar used to assist with identification. Married names not used unless student was married at time of portrait.
Accession Number: APC099
Type: photograph