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Acadia Seminary, 1878-

Affiliated Items

Acadia Ladies' Seminary. Students, 1897

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Group of women posing on the steps, doorway, and window of the Acadia Seminary. Individuals are not identified, but likely include students and faculty. Two women are posing with tennis rackets. Most individuals are looking directly at the photographer. Handwritten in red ink on reverse: "1895 (?)" which is crossed out, and "1897 (?) [crossed out] Seminary Group".
Accession Number: APC324
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1903

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1903. Individuals are not identified. Includes image of Acadia Street looking West, showing the eastern side of (Second) College Hall and the flag pole. Also includes image of the campus showing campus from Main Street with the front of (Second) College Hall and Seminary visible. Motto: "Non vi sed sacpe cadendo…
Accession Number: APC336
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1902

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1902. Individuals are not identified. Includes image of Acadia Street, facing West, looking past Sawyer Hall on the right to the eastern side of (Second) College Hall and the flag pole. Also includes image of campus showing the campus grounds from Main Street, (Second) College Hall, Seminary, and houses. Also includes…
Accession Number: APC309
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1900

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1900. Individuals are not identified. Includes image of campus showing (Second) College Hall, Seminary, and the college grounds. Also includes an image of Main Street in Wolfville. Motto reads: 'Vincit qui se vincit'.
Class list in the academic calendar used to identify students. Married names not…
Accession Number: APC279
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1904

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1904. Individuals are not identified. Included images of Blomidon, (Second) College Hall showing some of the campus grounds, and Acadia Street looking towards the (Second) College Hall showing the front of a house and the flag pole. Motto: "Age Quod Agis".
Student names compiled from class list in the…
Accession Number: APC169
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1898

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1898. Individuals are identified. Includes images of (Second) College with the surrounding grounds and part of the Acadia Seminary visible, and the back wall of (Second) College Hall with the surrounding grounds and Acadia Seminary visible. Motto reads: "Studemus Servire".
Acadia Record used to assist…
Accession Number: APC308
Type: photograph

Acadia University. Class of 1907

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Printed collage includes portraits of the Acadia University graduating class of 1907. Individuals are identified on the image. Includes images of campus with (Second) College Hall and Seminary visible and the Blomidon area with the shoreline and houses visible. Motto: "UMQUAM AD ALTIORA".
Class list from the academic calendar used to assist with identification. Married names are…
Accession Number: APC340
Creator: Graham, Edsom
Type: photograph

Acadia Ladies' Seminary. Students, circa 1889

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Group of women posing on the steps, doorway, and window of the Acadia Seminary. Individuals are not identified, but likely include students and faculty. Accompanying note indicates these steps were on the West Wing of the building.
Accession Number: APC695
Creator: Rice, Lewis
Type: photograph

Acadia Ladies' Seminary. Students, 1886

Collection: Acadia Photograph Collection. Class Photos
Description: Large group of women and two children, sitting and standing on the Seminary steps in this posed photograph. Individuals are not identified. Includes faculty. Some individuals are holding croquet mallets. Image was included in the Acadia Bulletin, March 1973, and listed names (most likely married names).
Accession Number: APC415
Type: photograph