Affiliated Items
Plan of fortification at Havre de St Pierre
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Un fort a quatre Bastions projette en piquete au havre Saint Pierre de l'isle St Jean"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3o
Type: architectural drawing
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "L'Isle St Jean dans le Golfe se St Laurent en Canada"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3n
Type: map
Research notes and questions
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: In French. Likely written by transcriber.
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/4
Type: textual record
Plan of fortification at Port Toulouze
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Batimens construits au Port Toulouze en 1749 et 1750 a usage du Service des troupes y detachees de Louisbourg"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3e
Type: architectural drawing
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Transcription of "Voyage du Sieur Franquet, 1751 au Port La Joye, au Havre de St-Pierre, au Port des Trois-Rivières de l'Isle St-Jean, à la Baie Verte, à Beauséjour, au fort de Gaspareau sur le continent du Canada et au Port Toulouze de l'Isle Royale." In French. Franquet was an engineer who was charged with recommending improvements in the defences of these fortifications.
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/1
Type: textual record
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Transcription of "Reports and correspondence from Louisburg, 1732-1751," all of which are about the French colonies of North America, 1730's to 1810's. In French.
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/2
Type: textual record
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Rapports des hauteurs a la Mer et entre Elles"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3d
Type: map
Plan, "Riviere de St Margueritte et Pointe a Bout"
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Riviere de St Margueritte et Pointe a Bout"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3p
Type: technical drawing
Plan of fortification Fort de Gaspereau
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort de Gaspereau scitue sur la Pointe de Mon Segu au fond de la Baye Verte faisant partie du Canada, 20 Aoutt 1751" Copy of original.
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3j
Type: architectural drawing
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Systhme d'entre la Baye Verte et la Baye francoise"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3k
Type: map
Plan of fortification at port Toulouse
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute projettee au port Toulouse"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3g
Type: architectural drawing
Plan of fortification at Port La Joye
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute projectee sur la pointe a la framboile scituee a driotte de l'Entree du port la joye"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3a
Type: architectural drawing
Plan of fortification at Port des trois Rivieres
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute en Maconnerie Projette sur la pointe de Terre, Scituee dans le fond au Port des trois Rivieres"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3m
Type: architectural drawing
Plan, "Port des Trois Rivieres de l'isle St Jean"
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Port des Trois Rivieres de l'isle St Jean"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3l
Type: technical drawing
Plan of fortification at Port la Joye
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort projette au Port la Joye"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3c
Type: architectural drawing
Plan of fortification at Port Toulouse
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Port Toulouse"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3f
Type: technical drawing
Plan of fortification Fort de Beausejour
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort de Beausejour Seitue sur le Continent du Canada dans the fond de la Baye francoise"
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3i
Type: architectural drawing
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Havre de St Pierre."
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3h
Type: map
Plan of fortification at Port la Joye
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Batiments confruit au Port la Joye tant pour fervir de Magazins aus Vivres que pour loger le commandant et les officiers et Soldats du detachement."
Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3b
Type: architectural drawing
Louis Franquet
Dates: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description