Affiliated Items
The human response to those 50 foot tides
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Report entitled "Interpretive Panel #4: The Human Response to Those 50 Foot Tides." Includes a description of how the tides created opportunities for farmers, fishermen and shipbuilders. Also includes a descriptions of: the map of Shad migration, the photos of fishing nets and the graph of fish stocks (all included in this document).
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/1
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: textual record
Marsh grass and soil samples
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Two coloured photos of marsh grass and soil samples. Varieties include: Juncus Gerardi (black grass) Salt Meadow Hay and S. Patens. Inscription: "Samples from Grand Pre and Wolfville."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh grass samples
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of marsh grass samples. Varieties include: Juncus Gerardi, Salt Meadow Hay and S. Patens. Note: Samples likely from Grand Pre and Wolfville
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh turf
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Two coloured photos of marsh turf in N.E. Grand Pre, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "marsh turf samples taken - bread knife for scale - Lowest grey layer is upland soil with stones, twigs, and tree roots." Second photo: "softer wide band; lower edge at top of photo, root rich layer extending beneath it."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/23
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Staddle structures
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of staddle structures from the Cherry Lane Dyke in Wolfville, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "Levering out staddle post with pry bar and chain were 5 feet under, 2 feet out." Second photo: "Cherry Lane tidal marsh." Third photo: "staddle post - was buried in 24-25 inches, 5 feet high originally, now buried 3 feet more by rising marsh levels (100…
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh turf
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of marsh turf samples in N.E. Grand Pre, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "the 3 wedge sample have been washed, squeezed, sieved and screened." Second Photo: "samples from extreme N.E. corner of Grand Pre - #2 had more roots." Third photo: "eroded marsh turf with roots hundred of years old."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/23
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Aboiteau and marsh at Houston Beach
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of an aboiteau and marsh at Houston Beach, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "most recent aboiteau in secondary dyke, note use of sapling." Second photo: "posts were part of the oldest dyke wall." Third photo: "remnants of old aboiteau."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Staddle structures
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of staddle structures on the Cherry Lane Dyke in Wolfville, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "1st square 5x5 post staddle found last year, 9x18." Second photo: "9x18 of 5x5 posts." Third photo: "1st staddle base of the type found last year, all pre-fabricated mortice tenon and dowelling construction."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Dykes, shore, and erosion
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: An aerial photo that has been written on by Sherman Bleakney. Indicates 1760 shoreline, 1808, 1952, 1988 dykes, a lighthouse, old wharf, and erosion in 1955.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/16
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh grass west of Long Island
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of marsh grass taken west of Long Island, Grand Pre, N.S.. Inscriptions - First photo: "Carex Paleacea - marsh sedge - West Long Island, Grand Pre" Second photo: "West end Long Island - Juncus Gerarde - black grass - bl. rush" Third photo: "David Herbin, Juncus Gerardi - black grass - cutting and weighing sods."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh plants
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of marsh plants in the Wolfville marsh. Varieties include: S.alterniflora, distichlis, Salicornia europaea.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/19
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh plants
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of marsh plants in Kings County. Varieties include: Salicornia, Glasswort, Sea Lavender and Plantain (Plantago Juncoides). Inscriptions - First photo: "Salicornia - glasswort at base of dyke wall north of Cherry Lane, Wolfville, N.S." Second photo: "high water strand line, dyke wall north of Cherry Lane, Wolfville, and south of town plot site, Starrs Point, N.…
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/19
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Aboiteau and marsh at Houston Beach
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of an aboiteau and marsh at Houston Beach, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "overview of outer and inner dyke walls and sites of two aboiteaux." Second photo: "posts were part of older dyke wall, aboiteau was built behind it, is a newer wall set farther back in the marsh." Third photo: "upstream end of sluice box."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Beach plants
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of beach plants from the west end of Long Island. Varieties include: Spartina Pectinata (tall grass), scirpus maritumis and scirpus americanus. Inscriptions - First photo: "plants from beach at west end Long Island, Grand Pre." Second photo: "Spartina Pectinata (tall grass), scirpus maritumis (has corms) and scirpus americanus (thick rhizomes). 3 Major plant…
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Aboiteau, old sluice and marsh
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of an aboiteau, old sluice and marsh at Houston Beach, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: old sluice - functioning, intake. Second photo: brush in aboiteau wall. Third photo: Houston Beach marsh, old aboiteau.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Description/sketches of the marsh at Houston Beach
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Description and sketches of the marsh at Houston Beach, N.S.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: textual record
Flora on the Kingsport tidal marsh
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of the Kingsport tidal marsh showing flora. Inscriptions - First photo: "sod grasses, and possible sod pit." Second photo: "various grasses, sedges, bulrush, etc." Third photo: "David Herbin, west end Long Island, sods 4x4x10.5, Juncus Gerardis - black grass"
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Observations on saltmarsh pools, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia 1965-1977
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: A booklet entitled "Observations on Saltmarsh Pools, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia 1965-1977," by Sherman Bleakney and Kaniaulono Bailey Meyer of the Department of Biology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. It is a thorough examination of salt marshes in Kings County. Includes sections on: flora, materials and methods, results and discussion, fauna, phylum protozoa, phylum…
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/10
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019, Meyer, Kaniaulono Bailey, 1945-
Type: textual record
Aboiteau and old sluice
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of an aboiteau and old sluice at Houston Beach, N.S. in the winter. Inscriptions - First photo: "location of the old sluice box and brush wall - is encased and buried by ice." Second photo: ""aboiteaux creek" to right of French Glass site." Third photo: "from top of sand bank and ice - creeke - French Glass site and sluice at extreme…
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Aboiteau and old sluice
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos taken of an aboiteau and old sluice at Houston Beach, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "site #4 - old sluice, note crossed tie down stakes. Are timbers drilled all the way through?" Second photo: "downstream from sluice #1." Third photo: "site #4 - old sluice box (where Acadian period glass was found)."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/22
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Marsh grass samples
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Two coloured photos of both wet and dried marsh grass samples. Varieties include: Juncus Gerardi (black grass) Salt Meadow Hay and S. Patens. Note: Samples likely from Grand Pre and Wolfville.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Staddles in Canard and in Yarmouth County
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Diagram of a staddle from Yarmouth County and a photograph of a staddle with tidal marsh hay sitting on it at the Canard Dyke, Nova Scotia.
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/009
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: textual record
Marsh grass samples
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of marsh grass samples. Varieties include: Juncus Gerardi, Salt Meadow Hay and S. Patens. Note: Samples likely from Grand Pre and Wolfville
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Wood axe chips, roots, old marsh deposits in Grand Pre
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: A coloured photo taken at Grand Pre of wood axe chips, roots, old marsh deposits. Inscription: "from eroded shoreline of Palmeter dyke just west of Guzzle in area of hand cut sod dyke remnants. 1. wood axe chips - in a layer 2. Rosa roots/rhizonaes from grey clay layer beneath old marsh deposits, upland layer."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/23
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Staddle structures
Collection: Sherman Bleakney
Description: Three coloured photos of staddle structures on the Cherry Lane Dyke in Wolfville, N.S. Inscriptions - First photo: "peculiar "staddle" structure 9x18 - Johnston Farm - Town plot in background." Second photo: "mortice and teron brace, with peg hole. Post 5x5, hole 1." Third photo: "top of center side post, peculiar "staddle" on Cherry Lane Dyke."
Accession Number: 2004.039-BLE/20
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: photograph
Correspondence concerning Marsh Bodies province-wide who want to discuss proposed changes to the Marshland Reclamation Act
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: Letter of request to Andrew Bishop, chairman of the Marshland Reclamation Commission, from the Bishop-Beckwith and Grand Pre Marsh Bodies, to organize a meeting with all active Marsh Bodies province-wide in order to discuss the propsed changes to the Marshland Reclamation Act.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/028B
Type: textual record
Correspondence concerning the Marshland Reclamation Act
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A letter to Arnold Rovers, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, from The Grand Pre Marsh Body's secretary, Ruth Conrad, regarding the Marshland Reclamation Act and the preservation and maintenance of the marshlands for agricultural use. Attached is a letter of support from Dorothy Hynes to the Bishop-Beckwith Marsh Body for maintenance of their sole jurisdiction over their lands…
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029
Type: textual record
Grand Pre Marsh Body
Dates: 1923 to 2004
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Dykes and Common Fields collection
Dates: 1784 to 1936
Collection: Dykes and Common Fields, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description