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Affiliated Items

Florida from the Latest Authorities

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the area around Florida by T. Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62w
Creator: Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

South East Part of the Bay of Fundy

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes: West Passage into Barrington Bay and Cape Sable.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/30d
Type: map

Plan of the Citadel of Quebec

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the Citadel and area.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/40
Type: map

A Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting not only The Improved Parts of that Province, but also Its Extensive Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: Laid down From Actual Surveys, and Chiefly From The Late Map of W. scull Published in 1770; And Humbly Inscribed To The Honourable Thomas Penn And Richard Penn Esquires True and absolute Proprietaries & Governors Of The Province of Pennsylvania and the Territories thereunto belonging. Published as the Act directs 10 June 1775. London Printed for Robt…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62p_1
Creator: Scull, W., Penn, Thomas, Penn, Richard, Sayer, Robt, Bennett, J.
Type: map

Halifax Harbour, Bedford Basin, The SouthEast Passage, MacNab's Island, Georges Island, and The Narrows

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Shows location of Halifax, Dartmouth, and various fortifications. Includes reference note. H. Pooley Lieut Royal Engineers.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/43
Creator: Pooley, H.
Type: map

Plan of the Fortifications in progress at Isle-Aux-Noix

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Fort Lennox, reference key, and hand written notations. Signed by Thos Luxmore Lieut Royal Engineers.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/41
Creator: Luxmore, Thos
Type: map

Plan and Sections of the scite of the projected improvements to the navigation of the Ottawa river at the Chute a Blondeau

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Cross sections are quite detailed. Includes key and coast of the Township of Chatham. Drawn by A. Brown, Lt. 79th Regiment.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/54
Creator: Brown, A.
Type: map

A Plan of the City and Fortifications of Louisburg

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the Louisbourg area. Richard Gudley Lieut Col Of the Train of Artillery.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/34
Creator: Gudley, Richard
Type: map

A Map of the most Inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole Province of Maryland

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. Printed by Robt Sayer at No 53 in Fleet Street, & Thos Jefferys at the Corner of St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62q_1
Creator: Fry, Joshua, Jefferson, Peter, Sayer, Robt, Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Five. From Actual surveys, by Captn Montresor, Engir 1768.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62h_2
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

A New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional information: "Composed from a great number of actual surveys, and other materials. Regulated by many new Astronomical Observations of the longitude as well as latitude; with an Explanation". Observations included. Refers to Gulf of St Lawrence as the Gulf of Nova Scotia. Published according to Act of Parliament by Thos Jeffreys Geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/48
Creator: Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

A View of Savanah as it Stood the 29th of March 1734

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Sketch of the area around Savanah, Georgia.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62u
Creator: Gordon, Peter
Type: map

A Plan of the Island of St. John

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: with the divisions of the Counties Parishes & the Lots as granted by Government likewise the Soundings round the Coast and Harbours. Surveyed by Catt Holland 1775. Printed & Sold by A. Dury Dukes Court St Martins Lane London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62i
Creator: Holland, Catt, Dury, A.
Type: map

Map of the Bay of Chedabucto

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Milford Haven River, Salmon River, and Clamb Harbour Bay. H. Pooley, Lt. Eng. Copied from a sketch of Capt. Collyer's, R. Eng.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/55
Creator: H. Pooley, Collyer, Capt.
Type: map

This Plate represents the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, as they appear from the opposite shore called Dartmouth

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Engraving entitled 'To the Right Honorable George Dunke, Earl of Halifax. This plate representing Part of the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Looking down George Street to the opposite Shore called Dartmouth, Is most humbly Inscribed, by his most devoted Servant R. Short. Boydel engraver in Cheapside London. Includes 1. Kings Yard, 2. Barracks, 3. Printing House, 4. Pontack'.
Accession Number: 1927.001-WIM/18
Creator: Short, R.
Type: print

A General Map of North America

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: In which is Expressed The several New Roads, Forts, Engagements, &c. taken from Actual Surveys and Observations Made in the Army employ'd there, From the Year 1745, to 1761. Title also in French. Map in two parts. Includes extensive historical and geographical notes. Drawn by the late John Rocque, Topographer to His Majesty.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62b
Creator: Rocque, John
Type: map

Partiale Orientale de la Novelle France or du Canada avec L'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Novelle Ecosse Acadie

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title: et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de st Laurence. Reprefente par Math. Seutter Georg. De S.M. Imper d'Augsbourg.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/61
Creator: De S.M., Georg.
Type: map

An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with Their Indian Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: Shewing in a distinct manner all of the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks, and Soundings on the Coasts, with The Roads and Indian Paths as well as The Boundary or Provincial Lines, The Several Townships and other divisions of the Land In Both The Provinces ; the whole From Actual Surveys. Includes The Harbour of Port…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62s_2
Creator: Mouzon, Henry
Type: map

South East Part of the Bay of Fundy

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes: Cape Forchu.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/30b
Type: map

A General Map of North America

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: In which is Expressed The several New Roads, Forts, Engagements, &c. taken from Actual Surveys and Observations Made in the Army employ'd there, From the Year 1745, to 1761. Title also in French. Map in two parts. Drawn by the late John Rocque, Topographer to His Majesty.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62c
Creator: Rocque, John
Type: map

Plan of the Government Establishment at the Lower Cove St. John, New Brunswick

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the St. John area. H. Pooley Lt. Royal Engineers.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/35
Creator: Pooley, H.
Type: map

Island of Cape Breton

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Divided by counties and settlements (French, Irish, English, Scotch). John G. [Tater?]. Draftsman Roy. Eng. Dept.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/56
Creator: [Tater?], John G.
Type: map

A Map of the most Inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole Province of Maryland

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Three. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. Printed by Robt Sayer at No 53 in Fleet Street, & Thos Jefferys at the Corner of St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62r_2
Creator: Fry, Joshua, Jefferson, Peter, Sayer, Robt, Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

Plan of Isle St. Helen

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Ile Ronde, Ile a la Pierre, Ile aux Fraises, and location of the Town of Montreal. George Phillpotts Lieut Royal Engrs.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/28
Creator: Phillpotts, George
Type: map

Plan of Niagra

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Queenstown Heights, Boundary line of the United States, Part of the State of New York, Fort Missasaga, Fort Niagra, and Lake Ontario. Surveyed and Drawn by Lieut. Smith 70th Infantry.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/42
Creator: Smith, Lieut.
Type: map

Lettson's Mill on the North West Arm, Halifax

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Entitled "Lettson's Mill on the North West Arm, Halifax." Watercolour: brown, green, white, blue.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/9
Creator: Woolford, J.E.
Type: painting

A Map of the most Inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole Province of Maryland

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. Printed by Robt Sayer at No 53 in Fleet Street, & Thos Jefferys at the Corner of St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62q_2
Creator: Fry, Joshua, Jefferson, Peter, Sayer, Robt, Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

A Map of the Province of New York

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, and New England, From an Actual Survey by Captain Montresor, Engineer, 1775. Published as the Act directs, June 10th 1775, by A. Dury , Dukes Court St. Martins Lane London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62l_1
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with Their Indian Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Four. Additional title information: Shewing in a distinct manner all of the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks, and Soundings on the Coasts, with The Roads and Indian Paths as well as The Boundary or Provincial Lines, The Several Townships and other divisions of the Land In Both The Provinces ; the whole From Actual Surveys. Includes The Harbour of Port…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62t_2
Creator: Mouzon, Henry
Type: map

Map of Liverpool Harbour

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes location of town. By H. Pooley, Lt. Eng. Copied from a sketch of Capt. Collyer's, R. Eng.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/51
Creator: Pooley, H., Collyer, Capt.
Type: map

This Plate representing the church of Saint Paul and the Parade at the Halifax in Nova Scotia

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Engraving entitled 'To the Right Honourable George Dunke Earl of Halifax, This Plate representing the church of Saint Paul and the Parade at the Halifax in Nova Scotia, is most humbly Inscribed by his Lordships most devote servant, R. Short'. Published April 25th 1777 by John Boydell Engraver at Cheapside, London. Includes: 1. The Printing House
Accession Number: 1927.001-WIM/19
Creator: Short, R.
Type: print

A Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting not only The Improved Parts of that Province, but also Its Extensive Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: Laid down From Actual Surveys, and Chiefly From The Late Map of W. scull Published in 1770; And Humbly Inscribed To The Honourable Thomas Penn And Richard Penn Esquires True and absolute Proprietaries & Governors Of The Province of Pennsylvania and the Territories thereunto belonging. Published as the Act directs 10 June 1775. London Printed for Robt…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62p_2
Creator: Scull, W., Penn, Thomas, Penn, Richard, Sayer, Robt, Bennett, J.
Type: map


Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title: In the vicinity of Quebec. Surveyed and drawn by Lieut A. Brown. 79th Reg.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/29
Creator: Brown, A.
Type: map

Map of Country Harbour, Fisherman Harbour, and Isaac Harbour

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Included on the map as asides, are historical tidbits on Country, Isaac, and Fisherman Harbours.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/45
Type: map

A Plan of the City of New-York & Its Environs

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: to Greenwich, on the Nort or Hudsons River, and to Crown Point, on the East, or Sound River, Shewing the Several streets, Publick Buildings, Docks, Fort & Battery, with the true Form & Course of the Commanding Grounde, with and without the Town. Surveyed in the Winter, 1775. Includes notes and a reference key.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62n
Creator: Montresor, John
Type: map

Plan of York

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Lake Ontario and Gibralter Point. Very detailed. Surveyed in 1817 by Lieutenant Smith 70th Regt.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/58
Creator: Smith, Lieut.
Type: map

Carte des pays connus fous le nom de Canada

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: dans laguelle fort distinguees les possessions francoises, & angl? Dediee et presentee A Monseigneur le Comte D'Argenson Ministre Secretaire d'Etat pour le department de la guerre, par le St. Robert de Vaugondy fils Geographe ordinaire du Roi. With a Supplement pour l'Isle de Terre-Neuve.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62d
Type: map

Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. From Actual surveys, by Captn Montresor, Engir 1768.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62g_1
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

Part of the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia looking down George Street to the opposite Shore called Dartmouth

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Engraving entitled 'To the Right Honorable George Dunke, Earl of Halifax. This plate representing Part of the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Looking down George Street to the opposite Shore called Dartmouth, Is most humbly Inscribed, by his most devoted Servant R. Short'. Boydel engraver in Cheapside London. Includes 1. Kings Yard, 2. Barracks, 3. Printing House, 4. Pontack…
Accession Number: 1927.001-WIM/17
Creator: Short, R.
Type: print

South East Part of the Bay of Fundy

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes: Cape St Mary.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/30a
Type: map

An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with Their Indian Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: Shewing in a distinct manner all of the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks, and Soundings on the Coasts, with The Roads and Indian Paths as well as The Boundary or Provincial Lines, The Several Townships and other divisions of the Land In Both The Provinces ; the whole From Actual Surveys. Includes The Harbour of Port…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62s_1
Creator: Mouzon, Henry
Type: map

Map of Falmouth Harbour, Portland Sound, Fore River and Falmouth Town

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes all islands around the Harbour and location of the town of Falmouth.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/31
Type: map

Sectional View of the Falls of Montmorenci and the Cone from some observations taken on the Ice, in March 1827

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: "A front sketch of the Falls of Montmorenci and the Cone from the road to them on the Ice.' Includes remarks.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/33
Type: map

Road Scene on Bedford Basin

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Entitled "Road Scene on Bedford Basin". [Halifax]. Watercolour: blue, brown, green, yellow/orange, black.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/10
Creator: Woolford, J.E.
Type: painting

Map of the Province of New York

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. By John Montresor, Engineer.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62m_1
Creator: Montresor, John
Type: map

Course of the River Mississipi

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: from the Balise to Fort Chartres : Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1765. By Lieut Ross of the 34th Regiment ; Improved from Surveys of that River made by the French. Published as the Act directs 1 June 1772. Printed for Robt Sayer, No 53 in Fleet Street.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62y_2
Creator: Ross, Lieut., Sayer, Robt
Type: map

A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, Divided into Counties and Townships : The whole composed from Actual Surveys and its Situation adjusted by Astronomical Observations. Includes a Plan of Boston Harbor from an Accurate Survey and a Plan of the Town of Boston as well as a reference key.…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62j
Type: map

Plan of New Orleans The Capital of Louisiana

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: with the Disposition of its Quarters and Canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour in the Year 1720. Includes The East Mouth of the Mississipi with the Pan of Fort la Calis which defends the Entrance and Channel of that River. Published according to Act of Parliament by T. Jefferys at Charing Cross. Nov 1750.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62x
Type: map

This Plate representing the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova-Scotia As appears from George Island looking up to the King's Yard and Basin

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Engraving entitled "To the Right Honourable George Dunk Earl of Halifax. This Plate representing the Town and Harbour of Halifax in Nova-Scotia As appears from George Island looking up to the King's Yard and Basin Is most humbly Inscribed by his lordship's most devoted servant, R. Short". Published April 25th, 1777 by Boydell Engraver in Cheapside, London.
Accession Number: 1927.001-WIM/21_1
Creator: Short, R.
Type: print

A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg with the French Batteries that defended it, and those of the English, shewing that part of Gabarus Bay in which they Landed, and the Ground on which they Encamped during the siege of 1758

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the Louisbourg area. Published by Thos Jeffreys, Geographer to the Prince of Wales at Charing Cross.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/32
Creator: Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

Nova Scotia and Newfoundland

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes county divisions within provinces. Map drawn and engraved by J.Rapkin. Illustrations by A. Fussel & engraved by J. Rogers. The London Printing and Publishing Company.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/27
Creator: Rapkin, J., Fussel, A., Rogers, J.
Type: map

A Plan of Quebec

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes historical notes and reference key. Published according to Act of Parliament October 1759 by E. Oakley & Sold by J. Rocque near Round Court in the Strand.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62f
Creator: Oakley, E.
Type: map

Liverpool Bay

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes: Bald Point, Schooner Cover, and Liverpool Harbour. Includes notes about the Liverpool area. Published as the Act directs February 1st 1781 by J.E.W. DesBarres Esq.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/46
Creator: DesBarres, J.E.W.
Type: map

An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with Their Indian Frontiers

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Three. Additional title information: Shewing in a distinct manner all of the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks, and Soundings on the Coasts, with The Roads and Indian Paths as well as The Boundary or Provincial Lines, The Several Townships and other divisions of the Land In Both The Provinces ; the whole From Actual Surveys. Includes The Harbour of Port…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62t_1
Creator: Mouzon, Henry
Type: map

A New Map of Newfoundland, New Scotland, the Isles of Breton, Anticoste, St. Johns & c. Together with the Fishing Bancks

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of the Newfoundland and Cape Breton areas, by H. Mall, Geographer.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/39
Creator: Mall, H.
Type: map

Vorstellvng einiger Gerenden und Plaetze in Nord-America

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title: uter Franzoesisch und Englische Jurisdiction gehoerig zu finder bay. Homaennischen Erben in Nurnberg.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/38
Type: map

A Plan of the Town and Fort of Carillon at Ticonderoga

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: with the attach made by the British Army commanded by Genl Abercrombie, 8 July 1758. Engraved by Thos Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Published by Thos Jefferys near Charing Cross London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62o
Creator: Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

A Plan and Elevation of Bridges on the Ottawa at the Chaudiere Falls

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Upper Canada to Lower Canada and Ottawa River.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/52
Type: map

South East Part of the Bay of Fundy

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes: Townshend Bay, Tusket Isles, Tusket River, and Port Montagu.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/30c
Type: map

Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. From Actual surveys, by Captn Montresor, Engir 1768.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62g_2
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

Map of Pictou area

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Pictou, Pictou Harbour, Caribou Harbour, Northumberland Straits, Loch Broom, West River, Middle River, and East River. H. Pooley, Lt. Eng. Copied from a sketch of Capt. Collyer's, R. Eng.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/49
Creator: Pooley,H., Collyer, Capt.
Type: map

An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence from Sillery, to the Fall of Montmorenci

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec under the Command of Vice-Adml. Saunders & Major Genl Wolfe down to the 5 Sepr. 1759. Drawn by a Captain in his Majesties Navy. Signed by Thos Jefferys.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62e
Creator: Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Four. From Actual surveys, by Captn Montresor, Engir 1768.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62h_1
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

Prince Edward Island divided into Counties & Parishes with the Lots as granted by Government

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Prince County, Queens County, Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Kings County.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/53
Type: map

Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburgh the French Batteries with the position and approach of the British Troop during the siege in 1758

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes references, Gabarus Bay, and Harbour of Louisburgh.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/50
Type: map

Map of the Province of New York

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. By John Montresor, Engineer.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62m_2
Creator: Montresor, John
Type: map

Map of the Bason of Minas

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes West Bay, Partridge Island, Partridge River, and Parsburgh. Copied from a sketch of Capt Collyer's, R. Eng.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/47
Creator: Collyer, Capt.
Type: map

Map of Nova Scotia or Acadia with the Islands of Cape Breton and St. John's

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Three. From Actual surveys, by Captn Montresor, Engir 1768.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62g_3
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

A Map of the Province of New York

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Two. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, and New England, From an Actual Survey by Captain Montresor, Engineer, 1775. Published as the Act directs, June 10th 1775, by A. Dury , Dukes Court St. Martins Lane London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62l_2
Creator: Montresor, [John?]
Type: map

A Chart of the Mouth of Nassau River

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: with the Bar and the Soundings on it taken at Low Water. Captn Willm. Fuller. Published 26 March 1770 according to Act of Parliament by Thomas Jefferys Geographer to the King in the Strand.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62v
Creator: Fuller, Willm, Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

Map of Shelbourne Harbour, False Bay, Green Bay, and Birch Town Bay

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Map of Shelburne area. Copied from a sketch of Captn Collyer's R. Eng.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/37
Creator: Collyer, Capt.
Type: map

A Map of the most Inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole Province of Maryland

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part Four. Additional title information: with Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. Printed by Robt Sayer at No 53 in Fleet Street, & Thos Jefferys at the Corner of St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, London.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62r_1
Creator: Fry, Joshua, Jefferson, Peter, Sayer, Robt, Jeffreys, Thomas
Type: map

A Military Plan of Wolfe's Cove

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Includes Wolfe's Cove and the Saint Laurence. Signed M Cartan Inst 70th Highlanders.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/44
Creator: Cartan, M.
Type: map

This plate representing part of the Town & Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, looking down Prince Street to the Opposite Shore Shews the Eastern Battery, George and Cornwallis Islands, Thrum Cap, to the Sea off Chebucto Head

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Engraving entitled 'To the Right Honourable George Dunke Earl of Halifax, This plate representing part of the Town & Harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, looking down Prince Street to the Opposite Shore Shews the Eastern Battery, George and Cornwallis Islands, Thrum Cap, to the Sea off Chebucto Head, most humbly inscribed by his Lordship's most devote Servant, R. Short' Published…
Accession Number: 1927.001-WIM/20
Creator: Short, R.
Type: print

Course of the River Mississipi

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Part One. Additional title information: from the Balise to Fort Chartres : Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1765. By Lieut Ross of the 34th Regiment ; Improved from Surveys of that River made by the French. Published as the Act directs 1 June 1772. Printed for Robt Sayer, No 53 in Fleet Street.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62y_1
Creator: Ross, Lieut., Sayer, Robt
Type: map

A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Additional title information: containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, Divided into Counties and Townships : The whole composed from Actual Surveys and its Situation adjusted by Astronomical Observations. Includes a Plan of Boston Harbor from an Accurate Survey and a Plan of the Town of Boston as well as a reference key.…
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/62k
Type: map

Cape Blow Me Down

Collection: William Inglis Morse
Description: Entitled "Cape Blow Me Down". Watercolour: blue, green, brown, black & white sailboat.
Accession Number: 1931.004-WIM/11
Creator: Woolford, J.E.
Type: painting

General report on topographical survey of Nova Scotia [part two]

Collection: Canada. Department of the Interior
Description: A "General Report on Topographical Survey of Nova Scotia" by P.E. Palmer and the Department of the Interior Topographical Survery of Canada. Includes information on map scales used in Nova Scotia, the demand for mapping in Nova Scotia, geodetic control and triangulation, map classifications, the development of mapping, aerial mapping, map programs, The Whitehill Triangulation Station,…
Accession Number: 1900.234-INT/001
Creator: Palmer, P. E.
Type: textual record

General report on topographical survey of Nova Scotia [part one]

Collection: Canada. Department of the Interior
Description: A "General Report on Topographical Survey of Nova Scotia" by P.E. Palmer and the Department of the Interior Topographical Survey of Canada. Includes information on map scales used in Nova Scotia, the demand for mapping in Nova Scotia, geodetic control and triangulation, map classifications, the development of mapping, aerial mapping, map programs, The Whitehill Triangulation Station,…
Accession Number: 1900.234-INT/001
Creator: Palmer, P. E.
Type: textual record

William Inglis Morse collection

Dates: 1557 to 1939
Collection: William Inglis Morse, Archival Catalogue
Creator: Morse, William Inglis, 1874-1952
Type: archival description

Sherman Bleakney fonds

Dates: 1945 to 2012
Collection: Sherman Bleakney, Archival Catalogue
Creator: Bleakney, John Sherman, 1928-2019
Type: archival description