Affiliated Items
Clementsport-Deep Brook United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1981 to 1987
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Lower Granville United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1832 to 2012
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Harbourville United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1988 to 1989
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Argyle-Glenwood-Pubnico United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1953 to 1979
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Gaspereau Valley United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1964 to 2012
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Lower Aylesford United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1828 to 1953
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Shelburne United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1951 to Unknown year in the decade of the 1960s
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Cape Sable Island East United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1948
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Margaretsville United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1912 to 2002
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Wentworth-Westchester United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: all of the dates: 1981, 1986
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Brookfield-Stewiacke United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1971 to 1974
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Bayview District United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1967 to 1996
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
St. Mary's Bay United Baptist Church and Pastorate
Dates: 1843 to 1993
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Alma-Harvey-New Horton-Waterside Pastorate
Dates: 1970 to 1997
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Plymouth and Pleasant Lake United Baptist Field
Dates: 1990 to 2003
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
North Brookfield United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1995 to 2009
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid
Annapolis Royal United Baptist Pastorate
Dates: 1958 to 1985
Collection: Baptist Records
Type: finding aid