Affiliated Items
Varieties, grades and sizes for sale in Canada, Newfoundland & British West Indies
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding varieties, grades and sizes released for sale in Canada, Newfoundland and British West Indies.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Frosted apples
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding frosted apples, by R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Disposition of apples affected by frost
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding the disposition of apples affected by frost.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Agreement with Nova Scotia apple producers during WW2
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: An unsigned copy of an agreement between the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd and the Ministry of Agriculture. It states the terms of agreement with Nova Scotia apple producers during World War Two under the War Measures Act. The final page is a schedule of apple prices which includes a list of varieties, sizes, and varieties not guaranteed.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Address, "Agriculture in Nova Scotia"
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: An address written by Kell Antoft entitled "Agriculture in Nova Scotia" regarding the problems with farming in Nova Scotia during WW2. [Possibly written for a political debate at Dalhousie University.]
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/002
Creator: Antoft, Kell
Type: textual record
Varieties, grades and sizes released for sale in Canada and export
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding varieties, grades and sizes released for sale in Canada and for export. Includes a list of varieties and prices, by R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Leslie, R.J.
Type: textual record
Apple price, size and variety list
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: An apple price list compiled by the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia. Includes list of varieties, sizes and prices.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Articles of association
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: Articles of Association of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board, Limited. Includes regulations of business, borrowing powers, meetings, voting and election of directors. Also includes descriptions of the powers and roles of directors and membership. Final page includes names, addresses, and occupations of subscribers in 1939.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Varieties, grades and sizes released for sale quotation and shipment
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding varieties, grades and sizes released for sale quotation and shipment, by R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Creator: Leslie, R.J.
Type: textual record
Antoft farm
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: Otto Hugo and Asta Antoft's farm house in Lakeville, Nova Scotia. Two views.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/2/7/012
Type: photograph
Resolutions rescinded & amended by directors of the NSAMB
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding two resolutions that were rescinded and amended by the directors of the N.S.A.M.B.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Memo to sub-agents re: competitive packaging
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding the competitive packaging. Written by the general manager R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Type: textual record
Prices fixed for hampers, boxes
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding prices fixed for hampers, boxes, etc. by R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Creator: Leslie, R.J.
Type: textual record
The responsibility for prices & regulations of apples
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding the responsibility for prices and regulations of apples supplied to Canada, Newfoundland and British West Indies by R.J. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Creator: Leslie, R.J.
Type: textual record
Varieties released for sale in Nova Scotia
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding varieties released for sale in Nova Scotia at $1.50 per barrel. Includes a list of the apple varieties, by R.L. Leslie.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Creator: Leslie, R.J.
Type: textual record
A memo to sub-agents re: trucking rates
Collection: Antoft family (part 1)
Description: A circular memo to the sub-agents of the Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd, in Kentville Nova Scotia, regarding trucking rates. Includes a list of miles and prices.
Accession Number: 1900.182-ANT/4/2/003
Creator: Nova Scotia Apple Marketing Board Ltd.
Colonial Fertilizer Company
Collection: Dykes and Common Fields
Description: An advertisement for 'Farm Food,' made in Windsor, N.S., by the Colonial Fertilizer Company in 1930.
Accession Number: 1900.018-DCF/005/002
Creator: Colonial Fertilizer Company (Windsor, Hants Co., NS)
Type: textual record
Collection: Antoft family (part 2)
Description: The Antoft Farm in Lakeville, Nova Scotia. 23 photos of Asta Antoft's gardens, the farm house and farm buildings and yard.
Accession Number: 2003.047-ANT/4/2/2/056
Type: photograph
Article, "Control of Trees and Brush on Rights-of-Way"
Collection: Harrison Flint Lewis
Description: Article entitled "Control of Trees and Brush on Rights-of-Way" discusses the use of chemical sprays to kill unwanted vegetation on the edges of public roads. Lewis describes the situation, the use and the impact of the chemical sprays on the environment.
Accession Number: 2006.020-LEW/005
Creator: Lewis, Harrison Flint, 1893-1974
Type: textual record
Article, "The Pesticide Situation"
Collection: Harrison Flint Lewis
Description: Article entitled "The Pesticide Situation" discusses insect breakouts, the use of chemicals on the outbreaks and the negative effects of the chemicals on the environment. The case of the Spruce Budworm outbreak in New Brunswick is discussed in detail. Lewis also describes the historical usages and the development of insecticides in the use for agriculture, insect control, and forest…
Accession Number: 2006.020-LEW/048
Creator: Lewis, Harrison Flint, 1893-1974
Type: textual record
Inventory of estate
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: Inventory of the real estate, goods, chattels, and credits of David Palmeter of Medford, Nova Scotia from 1877. Inventory also includes the worth of the real estate and goods listed.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/016
Type: textual record
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: A 1865 deed in which David Palmeter of sold property to David Jess of Cornwallis County, Kings County, Nova Scotia.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/010
Type: textual record
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: Indenture from 1866 involving William and Elisa Rogers, Robert Newcomb, James Palmeter, William Hicks of Cornwallis County.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/011
Type: textual record
Memorandum of agreement
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: A property agreement between David Palmeter and George William Witt.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/007
Type: textual record
Daily accounts of David Palmeter
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: David Palmeter's daily account of farm business and events in Kings County, Nova Scotia from April 1858 to July 1875.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/013
Type: textual record
Ledger page
Collection: Palmeter family
Description: A farm balance sheet belonging to James Palmeter of Kingsport, Nova Scotia, listing farm products and their values for the year 1880.
Accession Number: 1977.002-PAL/019
Type: textual record
Farm account book
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Farm account book from January to December 1901 kept by Rebecca Ells. Includes lists and prices of monthly expenditures, cash on hand and monies received for market produce, butter, poultry, eggs and fruit sold by the Ells family from their farm in Upper Canard, Nova Scotia.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/008
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from June 1905 to December 1905. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/007
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from January 1902 to May 1902. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church and women's groups.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/005
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from January 1901 to April 1901. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/002
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from January 1896 to October 1900. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups. Also includes farm accounts of expenditures, the amount of butter produced and sold…
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/001
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from April 1901 to September 1901. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/003
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from September 1901 to December 1901. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/004
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Diary of Rebecca Ells
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Diary of Rebecca Chase Kinsman Ells of Upper Canard from January 1904 to December 1904. Includes descriptions of weather, a recipe, anniversaries, deaths, births, baptisms, trips to market, daily farm activities, interactions with family, friends, neighbours and community groups such as church, women's groups. Includes a chart of amount of [butter?] made and sold in 1904.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/006
Creator: Ells, Rebecca, 1856-1928
Type: textual record
Farm journal
Collection: Rebecca Ells family
Description: Farm journal, entitled "His Journal" kept from May 1901 to April 1902 by Manning Ells. Includes instructions for farm animal care, planting and harvesting of crops, the hauling and spreading of manure, attendance to the hay fields and the planting, production and marketing of apple and potato crops. As well, it includes a daily log of farm activities and chores.
Accession Number: 1986.004-ELL/009
Creator: Ells, Manning, b.1880
Type: textual record
Articles of association
Collection: Kings County Agricultural Society
Description: Included in the first record book, these 15 articles and mandate form articles of incorporation for the Kings County Agricultural Society. Includes signatures for members who voted on the articles.
Accession Number: 1900.119-KAS/001
Type: textual record
Collection: Kings County Agricultural Society
Description: Manuscript of a speech given by Minister of Agriculture at 150th anniversary of Society and outlining the history of the Society. Although the manuscript does not indicate the name of the Minister, it is likely the speech given by John Alexander McDonald, who was the NS Minister of Agriculture from 1933 to 1945 and whose constituency was Kings County, NS.
Accession Number: 1900.119-KAS/006
Creator: McDonald, John Alexander, 1889-1962
Type: textual record
Meeting minutes with Concerned Citizens of the Wolfville Area (1995 July 19)
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: Minutes of a meeting with Concerned Citizens of the Wolfville Area regarding the Grand Pre and Bishop-Beckwith marshlands in July of 1995. Included is attendance, a brief overview of the court case with the Town of Wolfville by Peter Elderkin, a community discussion on the situation and the vision that the citizens had for the marshlands. Global ecology and agriculture is discussed. Suggestions…
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Correspondence concerning land use regulations
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: Letter to Ron Gourley, chairman of the Marshland Reclamation Commission, from the Bishop-Beckwith, Grand Pre and Wellington Marsh Bodies regarding land-use regulations.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/028B
Type: finding aid
Press release concerning Marshlands, land-use regulations, public walking trails, the sewage treatment plant, and boundaries
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: News release for the May 9th edition of The Advertiser from the Bishop-Beckwith Marsh Body and the Grand Pre Marsh Body regarding the jurisdiction over the marshlands, land-use regulations, public walking trails on the dykes, the sewage treatment plant, and the boundaries of the Town of Wolfville and the Marsh Bodies.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Presentation concerning the history of the events leading to dispute with the Town of Wolfville
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A presentation given at a public meeting by Ruth Conrad in June of 1995. Conrad explains the history of the events that led the Marsh Body into talks with the Town of Wolfville over the development of marshlands for non-agricultural purposes. Conrad also explains the Marsh Body's stance on the issue.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Presentation concerning a proposed Open Space Park and a tourist brochure
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A presentation given by Ruth Conrad, of the Joint Executive Committee of the Grand Pre and Bishop-Beckwith Marsh Bodies, to the Wolfville Town Council in April of 1994 regarding the proposed Open Space Park and a tourist brochure that designates roads on the Wickwire and Bishop-Beckwith Marshlands as walking trails.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Petition concerning "Dykeland Open Space Park"
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: Copy of an unsigned petition against the Wolfville Buisness Development Corporations's proposed "Dykeland Open Space Park."
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029
Type: textual record
Presentation concerning the Wolfville Harbour front and West Dykelands
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A presentation to the Wolfville Business Development Corp. Ltd. by the Bishop-Beckwith and the Grand Pre Marsh Bodies regarding the Wolfville Harbour front and West Dykelands.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Press release concerning disagreement over the jurisdiction of the marshlands
Collection: Grand Pre Marsh Body
Description: A news release from the Joint Committee of the Grand Pre and Bishop-Beckwith Marsh Bodies for the May 9th edition of The Advertiser regarding the meetings between The Town of Wolfville and the Marsh Bodies over the disagreement of the jurisdiction of the marshlands.
Accession Number: 2007.032-GMB/029A
Type: textual record
Pigs in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two pigs in deep snow in a wooden fenced pen. Hillside in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/075
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Calf and Cow Grazing
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A calf and cow are standing among tree stumps in front of a stand of trees.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/107
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a wagon of hay with a man sitting on top of the pile of hay they pull. Front view. White chickens are visable in the left bottom corner as is a wood pile and farming objects on the right of the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/007
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A close up snapshot of a large plant or bush.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/156
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large plowed field and pasture are visible in the foreground. Possible farm animals grazing nearer to the fence. A house and forest of trees are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/142
Type: photograph
Dirt Road
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Soil from field coming onto a road. Power poles along side of the road visible.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/151
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An apple orchard full of apple blossoms. Approximately seven trees are visible.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/154
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Equipment
Collection: Gormley family
Description: In front of two barns, a Ferguson tractor is hooked up to a trailer with a load of split wood. Picture printed in June 1963 but the tractor is probaby a model from the 1950's.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/033
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Oxen in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four oxen standing and facing a ditch on a large field. Two men are standing on either side of them with two other oxen or cows visible in the right of the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/061
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Several cows grazing in a pasture with several large trees in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/106
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large plowed field with a row of trees with foliage along the left of the photo. Buildings and evergreen trees are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/144b
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two men sitting on a ten tonne excavator pulling a wafon with steel wheels. There is a large barrel in the wagon.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/041
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Feeding the Pigs
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man feeding a large white pig and a smaller white pig in a fenced area. Hillside in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/062
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pullig a plow. Horses are facing west. A barn or farm house is visible in the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/008
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two teams of Belgian horses with two men standing in empty wagons. Two large piles of hay off the right.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/009
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A young black cow with horns standing near an orchard and in front of an evergreen tree. Cow is facing west.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/098
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Orchard
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A work horse in an orchard pulling a tree with a chain.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/076
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Teams of exen led by men ina parade on exhibition ground. Three teams are visible and the exhibition building is visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/055
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a grain binder with a man sitting on it in a tall field of grain. The horses are facing west.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/006
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Putting Straw in the Barn
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A cockshut tractor hooked up to a threshing machine by a belt is used to blow loose straw up into the mow of the barn.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/032
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Rock in Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large rock sitting in front of the farm house.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/139
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a very large load of hay in the hay wagon. A woman and two children are standing to the side of the hay wagon.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/027
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An apple orchard with blossoms along a dirt road with wooden fence posts and wire fencing. The road is traveling north-south direction.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/152
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pond in the foreground with an animal lying in the grass in front of evergreens in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/137
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Snow scene with a large barn on the left, smaller barn in center and a hay stack covered with snow in the background. There are piles of snow throughout the yard. Farm worker (male) with bucket seen at the front corner of closest barn.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/123
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Large white sow eating in a fenced in area. Hillside visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/066
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of oxen wearing fancy bridles pulling a wagon full of hay. Behind them are two barns for storage.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/080
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a grain binder with a man sitting on it. Front/side viwe. This view shows the spool of binder twine. A tall elm is seen in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/004
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A Belgian horse pulling a wagon holding a sprayer in a potato field. Evergreen trees and hillside in the background. Side view.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/012
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hauling Apple Barrels
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of work horses pulling a hay wagon with apple barrels. The horses are in full harness. There are three hay stacks in the background. There is a metal bucket hanging fron the wagon to give the horses drinks of water. On top of the wagon, hoding the reins is a man. Hay piles are seen in the back ground.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/026
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man walking with a plow begind a team of work horses in the large field. Farm buildings are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/147
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pasture that is possibly flooded. Wooden fence posts are visible sticking out from the water in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/136
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Pigs in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four pigs in the snow in front of two sheds.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/072
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A dirty sow standing in a fenced area in front of a shed.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/073
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Oxen In Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two oxen (or cows with horns) standing in a field and a barn and other cows in the background. Oxen are looking at the camera
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/081
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Farm yard covered in deep snow with sheds to the left of the picture. There is a stand of evergreen trees on the right side, power poles, and another farm visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/126
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Person Posing with a Pig
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man/boy sitting in front of a pile of cut evergreens holding a piglet with a building visible behind.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/166
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A snow covered road cleared of snow with fence posts to the right barely visible. Power lines visible on side of the road.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/129
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A wagon with large wooden wheels is sitting in the yard in front of a barn. A multi-colored cat is in front of the wagon.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/034
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Woman and Man Posing with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A woman wearing a white dress with a dark ruffle is holding onto a horse standing beside her. A man with a moustache wearing a cap is holding onto a horse beside him. Caption: 1911
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/164
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Logging in the Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a cap is pulling a log with a hook towards a pile of logs in the winter by a bush.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/115
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Harrowing the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a spring tooth harrow. The farmer is walking behind holding the reins.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/021
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cow in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A close up of a young cow with horns who is standing in the snow.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/085
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A group of men and women standing in a circle on the exhibition grounds watching teams of horses being shown.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/052
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two black work horses are hitched to a dump cart, perhaps full of turnips. Side of the Farmhouse and possible outhouse begind the horses and wagon. Caption: 1940's
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/035
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses are hooked up to a wagon. Two men are shoveling dirt onto the wagon. East view. Wood pile and wagon in the backdrop.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/002
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Yard
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of oxen standing facing the camera. A man is sitting on a bench in front of a building to the right of the picture. An old car is on the left of the picture.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/084
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cow in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A female Jersey cow is grazing in a hillside pasture. Farm buildings in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/102
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
W. R. Patterson's Mill
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Picture of logs in W. R. Patterson's mill yard. Caption: W. R. Patterson's Mill.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/116
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: People watching a parade of oxen teams.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/053
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Chopping Logs
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man chopping a log with an axe in a clearing in the forest surrounded by piles of logs.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/117
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle by Barn in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four cows standing in the snow in front of a large barn. All of the barn is visible.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/110
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Winter on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man standing in the middle of snow and ice. It looks as though the ice was brought onto the land by tide or river as it is in blocks. A barn is in the distant background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/046
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Plowing the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a single furrow plough with a farmer walking behind the plough. Another team of work horses are visible in the background. Figures of more farm workers and farm buildings also visible in the far background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/023
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses hooked up to a sled standing in deep snow with their master standing to the left side. A large storage barn wit two other outer buildings in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/003
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man in the foreground is looking at a group of men gathered around the outside of an exhibition building. Cattle are being shown.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/047
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of white and gray work horses standing with a single furrow plough attatched. The farmer on the right is bent over looking at the field. Farm hourse peaking behind trees in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/024
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cows in a Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two cows lying down in the grass. An orchard is in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/086
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Horses and Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses are hooked up to a wagon. Two men are shoveling dirt onto the wagon. West view. Pond visible on the left and the right shows the roadway.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/001
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cow Grazing in Pasture
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A black female cow with horns standing in a fenced pasture.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/090
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Horse and Buggy
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A horse pulling a buggy with a man sitting in the buggy who is parked along a white wooden fence. The buggy has a dashboard along the front and smaller wheels for tight turns.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/036
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Plowing the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses pulling a single furrow plough with a farmer walking behind.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/022
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a grain binder with a man sitting on it. Rear/side view.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/005
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farmer with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat is holding the reins of two horses in the yard. There are two wagons and two barns in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/159
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Three cows standing along a fence in a hillside pasture. Farmhouse in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/104
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A flower garden with a shed and lumber in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/044
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Winter on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses hooked up to a large wooden sled in the winter. There is a man and a child standing by the sled.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/045
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A large plowed field with a row of trees without foliage along the left of the photo. A farm house and farm buildings are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/144a
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cut Logs
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Winter scene with piles of cit logs along side a wooden fence. Forest of evergreens in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/114
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A black female cow with horns standing in a field on a hillside. She is looking at the camera.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/087
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: The inside of a greenhouse with plants growing.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/158
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cow by the Fence
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A female cow with a full udder is standing and grazing in a wooden fenced area. Cow is looking over the fencing. A second cow is lying down in a pen to the right. Old wagons and a house can be seen in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/100
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cow in Pasture
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A female cow with white markings is standing in a fenced pasture. The cow is facing west. A road is visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/093
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Snow covered farm yard with two large sheds ad two smaller sheds.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/128
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two work horses and man in a field that had been plowed. Rows of dead hollows are visible across the field.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/020
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Horse in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A white horse with a black tail grazing in a field. Another horse is visible on the right also grazing.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/078
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man and Child Posing with Pony
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a suit, tie, and cap is holding onto a pony with a child sitting on the pony. Two large buildings are in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/165
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A few men and a young boy is sitting in front of a parking lot filled with old 1930's cars. Part of a covered wagon is in the foreground.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/048
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Feeding the Pigs
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man eating an apple is standing looking down at three pigs who are eating in front of a wooden barn. Side of another building visible on the left of the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/063
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Buildings
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An old house and barn with a large tree between them. An orchard with blossoms is visible on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/148
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man with a Cow
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man is holding onto a female black and white cow who has a full udder of milk. Trees, pasture and hillside are visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/105
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working Horses In the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Several men gathering hay. There are 5 horses waiting to pull hay wagons after the men fill them. Barn visible in the background on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/014
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A farmer sitting on a farmall cub tractor pulling a grain binder with a farmer sitting on it. Both are looking towards the camera.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/028
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of gray work horses with fancy hames and bridles. They are standing in a field with a single furrow plough attatched. Other animals and people seen on the field behind, as is a barn in the distance.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/025
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Cattle in a Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two cows or oxen grazing in a field. Three men, cows, and other farm buildings visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/083
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man and Woman Posing with Horses
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man in a suit and cap holding onto a horse and a woman in a white dress holding onto a horse next to each other.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/077
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A snow covered road cleared to a house in the background. Power poles on side of the road.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/130
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Seeding the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a seeder with a man walking behind. Horses are facing east.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/013
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a seeder with a man walking behind the seeder. The horses collars have "hames" attatched to them (curved pieces of metal with a ball on the tip). Horses are facing west.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/010
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A white horse and a black horse pulling a disc horrower in a field. A farm is visible in the background along with a stand of trees.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/019
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Harvesting in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An International Harvestor McCormick combine cutting a field of oats. The combine would usually be pulled by a tractor.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/030
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two men sitting on top of a square wooden culvert along side the dirt road. There is a pile of chopped wood in the background. Quite blurry.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/043
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Rolling a Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a roller and man sitting behind the roller. The roller is used to flatten the land. Horses do not hhave their full harness rigs on - there is no breeching. Orchard and hillside in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/015
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a wagon with an engine with man at the reins. Visible are the pulley, funnel, and water tank. The engine may have been used to operate saw gear. Wood piles in the background and pond on the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/016
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hooking up the Buggy
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man is hooking up a driving buggy to a horse. A woman is sitting in the buggy. The buggy has boards across the front to protect the people from rocks, etc. The wagon has steel tires. A young heifer is in the yard. Two barns are in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/017
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Working in the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A farmer sitting on a Farmall cub tractor pulling a grain binder with another farmer operating the grain binder.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/029
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Logging in the Woods
Collection: Gormley family
Description: An old army-like vehicle with a winch on the front. It is pulling something because the cable is outstretched and the front wheels are blocked with rocks.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/042
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Wagon
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of Belgian horses pulling a hay wagon full of hay. Horses are facing west and near a ping on the west side.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/018
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Equipment
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A cockshut tractor and a threshing machine in front of two barns. Two empty hay wagons are also visible in the yard.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/031
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Posing with Barrels
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A farmer is standing behind four wooden barrels and is holding a basket. The basket is usually made from the rings of an ash tree. The basket's measure is somewhere between a peck and a bushel. The barrels staves are usually made from spruce and the six wooden rings (2 at the top, 2 around the middle and 2 around the bottom are usually made from birch.)
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/038
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Wood Lot in Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a cap and overalls is standing in a wood lot full of snow. Piles of cut wood and tree stumps are visible in the snow.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/133
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Winter on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A winter scene with a man sitting in a chair in the farm yard with three cows around him and a pile of wood logs behind him. Barn is behind the wood pile as one of the cows' head is entering the bard on the right.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/157
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat and overalls is standing in front of a wagon full of hay. There is a pond off to the right side and a shack off to the left.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/119
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Two Women Posing with a Horse
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two women wearing dresses, coats and hats are holding on to the reins of a work horse. Two barns and a pond in the background as well as the hillside to the right. The horse and two women are looking at the camera. Part of their feet are cut off in the photo.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/161
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Moving Rocks
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man driving a bulldozer is pushing a very large rock.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/121
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm Land
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pond with snow around the edge is in the foreground with a stand of trees and a road visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/134
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man with Shovel
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man wearing a straw hat carrying a shovel over his shoulder. He is standing in front of a barn and a wooden wheel barrow.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/120
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A team of oxen with large horns and fancy bridles. Surrounded by men, on eman is standing with his back to the camera.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/059
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Man Standing on a Stump
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man holding an axe is standing on top of a tree stump. Cut logs are laying all around the stump.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/174
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Hay Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A dirt road overlooking stacks of hay and the valley.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/140
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Farm During Winter
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Farm yard with deep snow with two sheds and snow covered haystacks in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/125
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Buildings on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A white house on the left with a tree in the middle and an outhouse [?] on the right of the photo. Several chickens in front of the tree.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/155
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Pigs on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Large white sow and a smaller white pig eating from a trough in front of a small shed. Orchard and landscape visible in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/068
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A young black and white cow, tied to something, standing in front of a barn. The how is looking at the camera.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/096
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Pigs on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Two men standing in the yard in front of a shed looking at eight pigs running around in the yard. A large hay stack is in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/070
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Potato Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A man in the background is working in rows of harvesting potatoes.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/150
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A pair of oxen pulling a wagon near a pond. They had just finished spraying the orchard. Inscription: This is a picture of Mr. Frank Eldridge's Oxen just after they had finished spraying the Gormley Bros. orchard. Photo taken by J. A. Gormley at Upper Falmouth, N.S. From Benj. J. Baxter of Upper Falmouth, Hants Co., N.S.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/082
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Pigs on the Farm
Collection: Gormley family
Description: Four pigs running around in a yard with a small pond. A couple of small sheds and trees in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/069
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Dog Sitting on Snow Bank
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A spaniel dog sitting on top of a large pile of snow. Snowy pasture and hillside in the background.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/169
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Spraying the Field
Collection: Gormley family
Description: A work horse pulling a wagon holding a sprayer in a potato field. A man is standing to the right holding a sprayer hose. The old wooden barrel with the metal hoops is used to hold the chemical spray, probably a "bordeau spray" for blight. Front/side view.
Accession Number: 2007.060-GOR/011
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: photograph
Orchardist's notebook
Collection: Orchardist's Notebook
Description: Notebook of an orchardist who visited various orchards around Nova Scotia and documented the condition and productivity of the orchards. Includes notes on soil condition, blossoms, work done to maintain the orchard and varieties of fruit and vegetables grown. 43 pages. It is possible that the writer worked for an earlier version of the Nova Scotia Agricultural Extension Service or did research…
Accession Number: 1900.084-ORC/001
Type: textual record
Diary of Alice Ilsley
Collection: Alice Amelia Ilsley
Description: Diary of 13 year old Alice Illsley of Bay View Farm in Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia in 1906-1907. Includes daily weather descriptions, amount of eggs collected daily and descriptions of friends, family, school, church and farm life in Halls Harbour.
Accession Number: 2000.011-ILS/1
Type: textual record
Annie M. Stuart
Dates: 1938 to 1945, Unknown year in the century of the 1900s
Collection: Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Antoft family fonds - part 2
Dates: Unknown year in the century of the 1900s to 1994
Collection: Antoft family (part 2), Archival Catalogue
Creator: Viking Air Service
Creator: Antoft, Kell, Antoft, Finn, Antoft, Asta Sigrid (Rump), Antoft, Otto Hugo, Antoft, Otto Hjalmar
Type: archival description
Gormley family photograph collection
Dates: 1909 (year approximate) to 1961 (year approximate)
Collection: Gormley family, Archival Catalogue
Creator: Gormley, Archibald (b. 1884)
Type: archival description
Alice Amelia Ilsley
Dates: 1906 to 1907
Collection: Alice Amelia Ilsley, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Kings County Agricultural Society
Dates: 1789 to 1907, 1939
Collection: Kings County Agricultural Society, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Palmeter family
Dates: 1819 to 1895
Collection: Palmeter family, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
George Johnson fonds
Dates: 1874 to 1911
Collection: George Johnson, Archival Catalogue
Creator: Johnson, George
Type: archival description
Antoft family fonds - part 1
Dates: 1824 to 1985
Collection: Antoft family (part 1), Archival Catalogue
Creator: Antoft, Otto Hugo, Antoft, Asta Sigrid (Rump), Antoft, Otto Hjalmar, Antoft, Kell
Type: archival description
Edward D. Haliburton
Dates: 1912 to 1991, 2011
Collection: Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description