Two groups of men, sitting and standing in these posed studio prints. At first glance, these images appear to be stereoscopic, but they are different images of the same, freshmen class. Individuals are not identified. Handwritten on reverse in ink: "Class of 1892. Freshmen picture" and "Back Back Row L to R AJ Crockett OP Goucher JB Ganong Arthur Newcomb WG McFarlane WL Archibald Fred Cox Edward Blackadar Will Starratt Frank Starratt Fred Goucher Thomas Higgins Center Row WT Stackhouse Avery Shaw George Baker John Churchill Martell Routledge Charles T. Illsley AV Pineo Charles E. Seaman Front Row M. Haddon McLean Charles Locke Howard S. Ross LeBaron Jones Archibald Murray Fred Roop Shaw".
Class list in academic calendar and The Acadia Record used to assist with identification. Missing is Edwin Howard Borden, who entered Acadia in 1887, and several other students.
Class list in academic calendar and The Acadia Record used to assist with identification. Missing is Edwin Howard Borden, who entered Acadia in 1887, and several other students.
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