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Maplewood Residence

Image on postcard is of Maplewood Residence, Acadia University. The house sits on a well groomed lawn, surrounded on the left and back by trees. There is a garage visible behind the house. On the front of the image is written: "Maplewood Residence / Macaulay / photo". - The postcard is addressed to "Mrs. S. P. Tyler / 26 Golf Ave / Pointe Claire, / Montreal 33, / Que." The message reads: "Dear Mom, / Just got back from St. John, will / write soon after I've done a / philosophy theme! Got the income / tax stuff. Cheers eh - send it off. / Mom, would you please send / me in time for April 10 two / dresses - the pale green cotton / one that was yours and the / flowery one I made - There's / go to be a cotton-dress dance and / anyhow we'll be wearing them / soon. Do you mind? (hope not!) / xxxxx Love [Nank] xx = Nancy Tyler / March 31 / 1948".
Date Created
1948 (year approximate)
Accession Number
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