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Land transaction Elijah Bent to Charles Dickson

A land transaction between Elijah Bent, Gentleman, and Charles Dickson, Esquire, in which Bent was paid the sum of twenty five pounds for "Certain Lots lying in the Town Plott of Horton aforesaid being by number Ten & Eleven in Letter B in the Second Division of Town Lots Containing about half an acre each be the same more or less together with the Dwelling House & Standing on one of these Lots." The document was signed by Elijah Bent, witnessed by Nathan Dewolf and Lydia Dewolf, and John Bishop, who was the Depy. Reg. and registered the deed 6 August 1783 on the Oath of Nathan Dewolf). Caption: Elijah Bent to Charles Dickson Deed. Signatures / Inscriptions: Elijah Bent, Nathan Dewolf, Lydia Dewolf, and John Bishop
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