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Land transaction John Allen to Charles Dickson

A land transaction in which John Allen of Horton , Yeoman, acknowledged the receipt of "Five Pounds Currency" from Charles Dickson of Horton. The land transaction was written on or about 10 March 1769 and Nathan Dewolf, Dep. Reg. registered the deed 11 April 1772 "on the Oath of Daniel Dickson", one of the two men who signed the document as witnesses. Alongside John Allen's signature is an illegible seal. The land transaction concerned land that was described in the document as the following: "Certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying in Horton aforesaid Bounded North by the first Lake South of the Town on the East by a Lot of Seven acres and 9/4 laid out unto or on the Right of John Caps & from said Caps South West Corner run using Wester by the North Side of the Highway that is laid out North of the first Division Both on Gaspeareaux River Containing five acres and fifty three rods as appear by Survey." Signatures / Inscriptions: John Allen, Nathan Dewolf, Witnesses Daniel Dickson, Oliver Prentice
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