File contains two copies of an article written by Principal W. L. Archibald which was originally an address to the Manufacturer's Association, in which he outlines the plan to use the Bay of Fundy as a source of hydropower. He outlines the commercial and financial benefits of the policy to be pursued, as well as describing the progress already made, and calling for the Manufacturer's Association to support the project. Attached to one copy is a resolution of the Maritime Branch of the Manufacturers Association of Canada to support the Cape Split scheme.
Note: The copy with the attached resolution is fragile. Handle with care.
Note: There was another article by the same author with the same title published in the November 1918 edition of The Busy East.
Note: The copy with the attached resolution is fragile. Handle with care.
Note: There was another article by the same author with the same title published in the November 1918 edition of The Busy East.
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