1 map : b&w ; 34cm x 49cm by J.F.W. Des Barres. Item is a nautical map of the North Atlantic region of North America.
Additional title: The Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable &c. and Soundings thereof; Published for the use of the Royal navy of Great Britain, under the Authority ofthe Right Hon'blethe Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, by Jos. F.W. Des Barres, Esq.
Additional title: The Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable &c. and Soundings thereof; Published for the use of the Royal navy of Great Britain, under the Authority ofthe Right Hon'blethe Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, by Jos. F.W. Des Barres, Esq.
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