Dates Covered: 1834 to 1894
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: Item is a booklet containing a lecture Rand delivered to the Nova Scotia Historical Society. The text is entirely in English phonetics. 36 pages. Library envelope in which this manuscript was stored indicated that the lecture was given to the Nova Scotia Historical Society, although there is no indication of this in the text.
Accession Number: D1900.006/3/23
Type: textual record
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a booklet in which Rand wrote the lecture he delivered to an unidentified group about Education. This is a working copy, with many additions and deletions to the text. 64 pages.
Accession Number: D1900.006/3/22
Type: textual record
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a booklet in which Rand, in English verse, outlines the evils of alcohol.
Accession Number: D1900.006/3/21
Type: textual record
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a story written in Mi'kmaq. 14 pages. more Accession Number: D1900.006/3/19
Type: textual record
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a notebook in which Rand recorded information concerning his early life. The first thirteen pages contain holograph notes in Latin, Greek and English on various topics. The autobiographical notes start on page 14 and end with the following comment by Rand: "I commenced writing this I think Dec. 1834. I have finished it May 5, 1835. Parrsboro." However, twelve years later… more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/2
Type: textual record
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: 1 object. Item is a piece of red fabric that has a pattern of beadwork on it. The beadwork was found in Dr. Rand's pocketbook. A note, on modern paper and in unknown hand, was in one of the pockets of the pocketbook and it stated: " Bead work from a coat made for Dr. Rand by the Indian women." more Accession Number: D1900.006/4/3/2
Type: object
Date Created: 1839
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: 1 v. of textual records. File contains a published version of the Old Testament, written in Hebrew. The frontispiece bears an inscription in ink that states: "Jan. 17, 1878. Silas. T. Rand". The front cover, verso, has an envelope glued to it that is addressed to Rand and postmarked October 25 1879. Rand wrote "autograph of C. McAdams" across the edge of the envelope. Rand… more Accession Number: D1900.006/4/2/2
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1866
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 14 July and 8 September 1866, in English. During this time period, he traveled through Truro and New Glasgow on his way to the Sixteenth Session of teh Eastern Baptist Association of Nova Scotia in Sydney. He remained in Cape Breton after the meeting and visited communities such as Great Tracadie, Plaister Cover, Ship Harbour, Little Bras D'… more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/6
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1870
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 24 August and 11 October 1870, in English. On the last several pages, Rand has written The Legends of the Micmac in Mi'kmaq, English and shorthand. They are likely the legends that he states, on 6 October, he heard from Susan Christmas. more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/7
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1851
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a small bound notebook in which Rand wrote between 1 January and 10 July 1851. Although most pages are headed "Persunal Diari", the whole text is in Pittman shorthand. During this time period, Rand and his family were living in Charlottetown, PEI. Rand wrote of working on the Micmac Dictionary, translating the Acts of the Apostles and a tract titled 'Poor Sara',… more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/2
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1871
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 29 September and 17 November 1871, in Latin.
Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/8
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1872
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 25 February and May 1872, in Latin.
Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/9
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1865
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 29 April and 25 May 1865, in English. The last three pages are written in [Mi'kmaq?]. During this time period, Rand was based at home in Hantsport but made an extended trip to Tremont, Aylesford, Brooklyn, Wilmot, Middleton and Berwick in an unsuccessful search of a teaching position for his daughter Minnie. He also went to Kentville for a… more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/4
Type: textual record
Date Created: 1865 to 1866
Collection: Silas Tertius Rand
Description: File contains a diary in which Rand wrote between 29 November 1865 and January 1866, in English. During this time period, Rand was traveling a great deal, preaching and soliciting donations for the Micmac Missionary Society and visiting any Indians he encountered. He began in Sackville, NB, went to Shediac, Saint John, back to Shediac, Memramcook, Dorchester, Amherst, Great Village, Halifax, and… more Accession Number: D1900.006/1/13/5
Type: textual record