Dates Covered: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet, Archival Catalogue
Type: archival description
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Havre de St Pierre." more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3h
Type: map
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Systhme d'entre la Baye Verte et la Baye francoise" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3k
Type: map
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "Rapports des hauteurs a la Mer et entre Elles" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3d
Type: map
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Map, "L'Isle St Jean dans le Golfe se St Laurent en Canada" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3n
Type: map
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Un fort a quatre Bastions projette en piquete au havre Saint Pierre de l'isle St Jean" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3o
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute en Maconnerie Projette sur la pointe de Terre, Scituee dans le fond au Port des trois Rivieres" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3m
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Batiments confruit au Port la Joye tant pour fervir de Magazins aus Vivres que pour loger le commandant et les officiers et Soldats du detachement." more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3b
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort projette au Port la Joye" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3c
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute projectee sur la pointe a la framboile scituee a driotte de l'Entree du port la joye" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3a
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Port Toulouse" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3f
Type: technical drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Une Redoute projettee au port Toulouse" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3g
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Batimens construits au Port Toulouze en 1749 et 1750 a usage du Service des troupes y detachees de Louisbourg" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3e
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort de Beausejour Seitue sur le Continent du Canada dans the fond de la Baye francoise" more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3i
Type: architectural drawing
Date Created: Unknown year in the century of the 1800s
Collection: Louis Franquet
Description: Plan, "Fort de Gaspereau scitue sur la Pointe de Mon Segu au fond de la Baye Verte faisant partie du Canada, 20 Aoutt 1751" Copy of original. more Accession Number: 1900.262-FRA/3j
Type: architectural drawing